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January - April 2024

UX Experience Studio 1


KAYAK is a metasearch engine for travel services that strives to help its customers experience the best travel expedite by finding various travel accommodations.


The UX Experience Studio is a class that pairs industry partners with student groups comprising students across all levels, from freshman to graduate.

KAYAK desired to implement a group travel feature on its platform and tasked my team with doing so. We created goals to understand our user group and the competition surrounding KAYAK. Over the course of four months, we developed a solution. This page is an abridged version of our 78-page final document.



We narrowed down our user group by researching the major demographic of the problem space, specifically those who tend to dominate the current travel industry. We researched the following categories: current travel trends, majority demographic, challenges, priorities, and competitor group travel companies.

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A screenshot of part of our Miro Board, where we combined all of our desk research findings and then categorized them into an affinity diagram.


  • Deciding on the destination can be difficult

  • Users try to keep their plans free to have flexibility 

  • Users delegate different tasks to team members

  • Group travel means there will need to be a compromise

  • One person will have to take a leadership role

  • There is less flexibility, freedom, and privacy with traveling in groups

  • Make sure every member is on the same page (regarding communication)


Our goal here was to understand user patterns when booking travel and what features are important and unimportant to users for planning travel. We conducted two interviews per person (18 total interviews) to gain insightful information regarding user patterns and preferences about group travel.


  • Communication is key

  • Participants’ communication is primarily through text

  • People tend to split tasks evenly

  • People use the most commonly available dates

  • Groups go with the most realistic or lowest budget

  • Price, location, cost, safety are the most important factors

  • Biggest competitors are Airbnb, Google Flights, Expedia

  • Multiple people look for stays at the same time

  • One person makes major decisions

Interview affinity diagram

All of my team's individual interview findings (top), followed by an affinity diagram of different categories (bottom).


We began visualizing our ideas for group travel features based on the insights gained from secondary and primary research.

Alina's Initial Sketch

This is my sketch; I drew a home page for the travel feature and the location-choosing section, where users would be able to see all their pinned locations on one map.

After evaluating each team member's sketch, we found some key components that we want to incorporate into our design.​

  • The home page could include various features for planning  with multiple users.

  • Multiple steps will need to be implemented into the design.

  • Create a larger button to notify users that they can invite. others to their trip.

  • Include boxes of information with an additional icon to notify a user they can start a new trip on KAYAK’s website. ​

  • Create a step-by-step trip planning process to allow an easy experience for users. 


Our goal for journey mapping was to outline the experience a user will have while planning a group trip in a visual diagram listing important steps, travel considerations, and the overall process.

Initial journey map

This is our initial journey map, where we thought the travel planning journey was linear. 

Journey map, version 2

Our second version, where we revised the "planning" stage to be a three-part correlational step, rather than a straight, linear process.

Here is our finalized user journey map. The section that is highlighted in yellow is the area that my team focused on for our designs.

Journey map area of focus

Exerpt from final journey map

Final journey map

Full, final journey map


In order to find other companies' pain and gain points as inspiration for KAYAK's design,  we compiled information on various travel companies to seek data insights. We discussed with our sponsor what competitors KAYAK competes with. 

Competitive analysis findings

A table of everyone's findings in each category for each travel platform researched.


Each team member was assigned a platform to delve into and we took notes of our findings in these categories:​

  • Budget

  • Location

  • Dates

  • Opportunities

  • Things to avoid

This activity aided my team in understanding what features and group collaboration tools other companies have used that have been helpful or not helpful that my team could implement into our designs.


After all of our research, interviews, evaluations, and analyses, we moved into our final round of sketching before creating our final design.


A sketch of what the budget planning page would look like, with each person entering a budget for categories like food and stay.


A sketch of the date planning stage, where users find the most convenient dates for the whole group.


A sketch of the location choosing stage, when group members are deciding on a destination.


The group travel planning feature will be advertised on KAYAK's home page in the main banner and the left menu. Then, users can create a new trip, kickstarting the planning process. They can also peruse other upcoming trips still in the planning phase and resume their planning process at any point. Once “Create Trip” is selected, users are prompted to select whether they are traveling solo or with a group. 


When opting for the “Group” selection, users can invite friends to collaborate on trip plans by simply inputting their email or phone number and sending an invitation. Then, users are met with the overview page. The page presents different aspects of planning in a tab format, which includes location, dates, budget, stay, flights, and transportation. 


The first tab on the overview page is the location page. This is because our contextual inquiry workshop taught us that people try looking for a location first. Once a location is finalized, it gets populated onto the overview page under the location section.

The dates page has a calendar for the indication of availability within the group. KAYAK then suggests optimal dates, and the trip owner can finalize them. 

On the budget page, users can set their budget in total or for each category. Once an expense is added, the budget bar will show how much the user has already spent. The right side of the page has a breakdown chart of group expenses, which can display each member's contribution. For groups that haven't decided on their group budget, we designed a budget calculator to assist users in determining the amount.

The itinerary page displays each date that was selected by the group. The orange “plus button” can be used to add an event that will automatically populate underneath it. Once an event is added, the location will be shown on the map relative to your stay, so that you are aware of your travel time. 


Due to time constraints, we were unable to complete all of the designing and testing regarding the voting feature for the stays, flights, and transportation tabs.  Our suggestion would be to further test the voting feature for those three tabs as well as test how the overall flow works within KAYAK’s existing design system.



  • Secondary Research

  • Interview Protocols

  • Interviews

  • Data Analysis

  • Competitive Analysis

  • Heuristic Evaluation

  • Journey Mapping

  • Contextual Inquiry Workshops

  • Prototyping

  • Documentation

This project was the most impactful learning experience out of my entire freshman year. Not only did I get to experience the process of working with a real sponsor, conducting user research, creating evidence-based sketches, and conducting competitive analyses, but I also got to work with influential upperclassmen who inspire me for my future in this program. Actively working with other UX Designers to research issues and develop solutions gave me more real-world experience than any lecture ever could. I can't wait to see what other projects I get to be a part of in my next Experience Studios. 

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