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December 2023

Introduction to Internet Foundations

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In my Intro to Internet Foundations class, my group designed a social media website for video game players to share their setups, playlists, and favorite games.


My group used Visual Studio Code and GitHub to write seven files of HTML/CSS code, with basic features such as a form, external links, and scroll bars.


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This is the home page. It has an Updates section where you can see patch notes and other important announcements, a column to see what friends are currently active, and a navigation bar at the top.

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As you scroll further, you see descriptions of recent updates and up to 4 active friends.


Here, you can see other people's profiles! Members can create a username of their choice, and their preferred name will be displayed at the bottom. From here, you can view their individual profiles.

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Next is the Playlists page, where you can see users' playlists. These can either be their all-time favorite songs, or the soundtrack to their gameplays! Clicking "Open Spotify" will take you directly. If the user has Apple Music or Pandora instead, the link will reflect that.

Further down the Playlists page is a form to recommend songs for the official MeetThePlayers Playlist. This playlist is released once a week and is a combination of user entries.


The form is fully functional.

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Lastly, this is an explore page to see other users' gaming setups, whether they want to show off their whole room or just a new feature they added.


At the bottom, users add a short caption to describe their post.

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